
Mobile compressors for filling air tanks becoming more and more smaller, handy and mobile. These breathing air compressors are also suitable for other purposes.

On this page you will find breathing air compressors from Bauer. They are characterized by high quality and durability.

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Bauer Breathing Air Compressor JUNIOR II

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Compact Line Bauer Breathing Air Compressor JUNIOR II

Our Portable Units of the COMPACT LINE – State of the art for mobile diving compressors. The units of the COMPACT LINE – the JUNIOR II and the OCEANUS – perfectly suit private divers, small diving clubs and diving boats, because of their light weight, their compact design and their cost effectiveness without having to lower one's sights refering to the typical high toughness of BAUER KOMPRESSOREN. B-TIMER, the minicomputer which controls the cartridge change and maintenance intervals.

Bauer Breathing Air Compressor Oceanus

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Compact Line Bauer Breathing Air Compressor Oceanus

Our Portable Units of the COMPACT LINE – State of the art for mobile diving compressors. The units of the COMPACT LINE – the JUNIOR II and the OCEANUS – perfectly suit private divers, small diving clubs and diving boats, because of their light weight, their compact design and their cost effectiveness without having to lower one's sights refering to the typical high toughness of BAUER KOMPRESSOREN. B-TIMER, the minicomputer which controls the cartridge change and maintenance intervals.

Bauer Breathing Air Compressor Poseidon

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Compact Line Bauer Breathing Air Compressor Poseidon

The PE 200 / 250-/300 TE/TB models offer the optimum weight / price ratio. Owing to their compact construction, the plants are easy to transport and to load onto vehicles. The oil pump allows inclinations up to 15º, therefore making these models most suitable for use on board of dive ships and liveaboards.

Compressor Accessories

Bauer Filter Cartridge for P-filter systems

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    Delivery time:ca. 14 Tagen

Bauer Filter Cartridges for P-filtration systems Compressors

Bauer compressors Replacement filter cartridges for P-filter systems. It makes sense always reserve to have stock.

Bauer Compressor Oil Synthetic

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 Bauer Compressor Oil Synthetic

Bauer Compressor Oil Synthetic for Bauer Compressors.

Bauer Compressor Oil mineral

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 Bauer Compressor Oil mineral

Bauer Compressor Oil mineral for Bauer Compressors.

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